Thursday, October 16, 2008

Proverbs 16:9

I was looking at the verse in my profile: "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." I noticed an example of this in my life recently. Several weeks ago we signed the children up for various classes within the Tualatin Valley Recreation District. We wanted them all to have swimming lessons. The Beaverton Swim Center is less than a mile from our home and they allow homeschoolers in their daytime preschool classes. Their normal classes for older children are in the evenings (after school is out). We were all a little nervous on the way to the first class Tuesday. It was great. They put all four boys together with one teacher. Olivia was with three other preschoolers. Immediately after our class (10:10 - 10:40) is a Family Swim (10:45 - 11:45). The class is Tuesdays and Thursdays and so is the Family Swim. I planned our classes knowing nothing about the swim center's schedule, but God knew and he directed me to that class at that time knowing how much the children and I would enjoy the time in the pool. You may agree or disagree with my assessment of this situation and its application to this verse; I know that the experience is true and that God has often shown his lovingkindness to us, to me, in these ways of seemingly insignificant importance. These little things bring great joy and they are blessings to us for which I am grateful to Him.

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