Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Boring Update

We are back to ordinary and it feels wonderful! The kids have begun doing a full day of school work again and, although we should probably work more diligently on our chores, the house is getting back in order slowly and surely. My focus now is to not be angry. I'm afraid I was becoming increasingly irritable and speaking harshly to everyone around me. I hope I am doing better. How easy it is to let those words out louder than necessary and with quite a bite. How rewarding it is to say the same thing in a gentle voice and with respect for those to whom we are speaking. This is my goal of late. I have also brought my diet back in line and exercising again. These probably help with the former goal.

Today is library day. My bike has been having numerous problems, flat tires and shifting difficulties. If the rain holds off we will walk rather than drive. It has been more than a month since we rode our bikes to the library and I miss it. There will be plenty of more pleasant trips when the weather changes. I think this is babbling rather than rambling and I will stop rather than voice my boring chatter.