Monday, December 7, 2009

Trying to think again.

Yesterday was my father's birthday. He is great, more than great, but words could not describe my feelings for him so I'm not going to try. This last summer he and my step-mother began a family website to prepare for a family reunion this next summer. What a wonderful experience it has been, conversing with relatives that I see and speak to rarely because we live so far apart. Even when I am in the area there are so many together that I often don't visit much with some. I am sure we will have much more fun at the reunion having first reunited on the website. Thanks Dad and Eunice!

I have been too busy complaining to myself about my inability to accomplish all the things I feel I should to think deeply about anything. Well, except this: the last several years I have noticed that I am not able to fast (sacrifice something for the Lord) for any length of time (depending on the thing sacrificed) for any reason. I had thought it was because I didn't feel passionately about anything for which I was praying. Perhaps I have been too comfortable and lazy and don't want any discomfort, I'm selfish. Perhaps I have been more tired and feel worn out at the prospect of more discomfort, it isn't important enough to me. When I have begun a fast, I quickly begin to feel like I'm trying to control God, I don't trust him enough to let him be sovereign and do as He feel is best. Maybe those feeling come because I don't really want to sacrifice anything. I haven't come up with a good answer, but I'm praying about it and asking others their opinions, others whose opinions I value. (If I haven't asked you it isn't because I don't value your opinion :-)) I also decided to start fasting once a week at least. I'm not sure why, but it seems important and many times it is the 'seeming' important or 'right' that God directs.

Check out the aura on this moon one early morning last week:

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