Sunday, March 18, 2007


I knew it would be difficult. I did not grow up camping and the few times Greg and I have gone, both before and after we had children, I have struggled to do everything: cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. That was always tent camping. With the trailer we have a bathroom, a stove and sinks, shelter and screens, but it sure isn’t like living in a house, not even a small house. There is constantly the thought about the holding tanks and are they full, do we have enough drinking water, where will we get groceries. It is a lot harder getting groceries than I expected, and we can’t get too many because there isn’t anywhere to put them. And so many more things I don’t know how to deal with yet. Everything does not have a place and so we are constantly moving the mess around to use the space they are in. I’d give you details, but I’m tired of thinking about it and it’s not that interesting. I just want us to be clean and our home to be clean. I want to get all the things done that I’ve always wanted to get done and never succeeded at accomplishing. Greg says it will get better and we will figure things out and I know we will, or at least get more comfortable without, but right now I’m struggling.

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