Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are you a wife in charge of her husband?

How many of you wives out there are trying to control your husbands? Do you think it will make them love you more? It will not. Could you open your mind to what may be a new idea?

Do you know how to make your husbands love you as the best wife he could ever imagine? Respect the fact that he is an adult and can make good decisions. The decisions he makes may not be the same as you would make; can you handle that? Is it your way or the highway? Is that what you really want? Do you really want him to think of you as his mother: coming to you for permission to do things, saying no to his choices because you have other plans for him, staying away from home because as soon as he gets there you demand (though you think you are asking) that he clean the garage (or some such work)? How about you try treating your husband as if he were a grown man?

Listen, he may make wrong choices. Have you ever made a wrong choice? Do you like it when people rub it in your face? When he makes a wrong choice do not feel the need to tell him; he will know. With his new freedom he may be gone from home more, unsure of how long it will last. Don't worry, do the things that are your job to do, do more than your share. When he comes home and you are happy and don't make a bunch of demands on him... surely you can imagine how he will feel. Serve him, love him, sacrifice for him.  It may be difficult (that's why it is called 'sacrifice'), but you will receive an inner joy that only God can give. Soon, he will want to be home. He will want to take you with him. He will love you as the best wife in the world.

This is an extremely abbreviated version of my thoughts on this matter, but it gives you the idea. It is painful to me, sad to see women in charge of their husbands. I always think: those poor men; and I feel angry at their wives for making both their lives so miserable.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Morning Tea

Nearly every morning I get up early and make tea in this teapot and drink it from this cup. Greg bought me both though at different times. The teapot has a... strainer (infuser?) that sits inside and I use bulk tea that I buy at New Seasons. An advantage to living in the city about which I have commented to Greg on more than one occasion, being able to buy expensive teas in small quantities that are affordable. I enjoy a lot of milk in my tea, so while I prepare the tea and it infuses I warm milk in my cup which is sitting in warm water. While drinking this favorite brew I read my Bible and then write in my journal. (A little irrelevant note: When I took typing in High School I was taught to space twice after ending punctuation in a sentence. It now causes me immense aggravation not only with the typing program the children use on the computer and I sometimes entertain myself with, but even in these entries as it will cause odd spacing at times. Apparently the correctness of such actions has changed, yet the habit is instinctive and I wonder if I will ever gain the ability to only space once after ending a sentence.) I have frequently kept a journal or diary in my years of life, but after hearing my dear friend Jennifer talk about a prayer journal years ago I decided to try one. It was amazing. Have I written about it before? Doesn't matter. I would write out my prayers and it was a life changing experience. I no longer daydreamed while praying, or if I did I was able to remember what I had been praying about. It was rare. More importantly, I thought more seriously about what I was praying and I listened. I listened for God's voice giving me ideas to respond to my difficulties. He did give me ideas, often written on the same pages where the questions and requests were made. My journal now is a combination. I include facts about what happens during the days or plans, recording the events of our lives, but always there are requests and questions to which God still responds. It is pleasure to no end sitting in the silent house as everyone sleeps, drinking hot tea, thinking, writing, communing with God. Any who know me well know that my favorite thing to do is to sit and think. I have often thought of it as a bad habit as it will keep me from doing needed work. I know now that it is a God given blessing and I pray that all of my children will have a love for sitting and thinking. (I know Henry does, that is why his math takes so long to get done :0)) How can we hear God's still soft voice if we are not listening? Pray with me for a desire to hear God's voice that is so strong we never stop taking the time to be still and listen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.  I heard that first in a sermon many years ago, but I have heard it many places since.  I think about it frequently, especially when there are things I want... which is the perfect time to think about it.  Then I start thinking to myself, "What do I really want?"  There are many material things, but I won't bother to mention them.  These things may make life more comfortable or interesting or easy. They may even improve my intelligence or knowledge.  They may be advantageous to our children's education.  They may increase my productivity.  But, the fact is, we don't have these material things now and my thinking about them or how to get them does certainly not increase my happiness.  We are obviously living just fine without them.  We are all healthy, and learning new things everyday.  I feel much more happy and peaceful when I think about the things we do have and apply myself in being grateful for them. I cannot deny that we have incredible children, healthy, smart, loving.  Our feelings for our home are our choice, there are good and bad things about any home, but ours has so many things we never thought we would have: hardwood floors, a basement with a bike room, a garage, beautiful large trees in a courtyard visible from every window more than half of which face south and fill our home with light. Best of all, we have knowledge of our Creator and His love encompasses our every experience. If we will only trust that He has our best interest in everything He brings into our life. It is difficult to believe that an Almighty Sovereign God who created the universe is interested in all the little, seemingly trivial things in our lives. There are so many lives out there, it is impossible to imagine God being able to know the number of hairs on every one of those heads. Yet, we must believe that He does. I must believe that God cares what we feed our children, what books we have them read, what clothes we choose to buy. I must believe that he sees when I can't sleep at night, when the children get a scratch, when I feel confused about which task is more important to accomplish. I know that He wants me to trust Him in all things. And I will. I will be happy with all the things he has given and the place in which I live and the people with whom I have contact. I will think of His ways when I think, speak and act.  At least, I will try, I will ask Him to help me to succeed. I will long to glorify Him in my life. I will long to touch others with His love. And if I can succeed in letting go of my wants then I know He will fill my heart, my life, with a joy and peace that is happiness.

I know that it is easy for me to say these things, we have a home, income, family. There are many who have none of these things. Many who are hungry, cold and lonely. Yet, God can bring them happiness just as He brings it to me. It is His way. It is His power. It is His truth.